+54 0358 4633401 +54 9 358 431-8299 (CHAT) Sobremonte 725/35 - Río Cuarto (CBA)

We participated in the event "Take it to Chest"

We participated in the event "Take it to Chest"
On May 12, 2018 at the Teatrino de la Trapalanda, Rio Cuarto, a conference was held for the prevention and support of BREAST CANCER and where with great pleasure, we were one of the sponsors.

The conference featured speakers from MACMA (Breast Cancer Aid Movement) and topics such as awareness about the importance of early detection, its methods, life testimonies, guidance, containment and support, oncological aesthetics, among others, were discussed.

With the idea of seeking to improve the quality of life of women in our community and to be socially responsible, we participated in this event and helped support and spread it.

Next, we share a paragraph from the book " Cancer on stage. An actor says " by Virginia Piera, journalist and editor.

" Cancer on stage, an actor says, seeks to mirror possible gears where cancer nests and forks. Not only in biological bodies, but also in the scaffolding that crosses the social world. Cancer exposes inequalities, what is pending, not said, not done .It demands a majority project, joint, without borders, without cells, without compartments. Sincere to unsuspected limits. From the public world and the private world. And, always, time is short. essential, our needs. Otherwise, each one of us is unique.

The time that we all don't have."



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